Additional design functionality

Fantastic Features tab

Spreading the word about what makes your products or services great - and why they’re even better than your competitors! – is what your brochure style website should be all about. Tabs are a fantastic and interactive design element that will allow you to do just that, in the most engaging way possible. Use tabs (just like this one) to provide additional information about the features that set your offering apart, guide your customers to the right purchasing decision for their needs, and generate even more leads or enquiries for your business. Tabs are a great way to break up large chunks of text into more manageable, easy to digest segments, so you can grab the attention of would-be customers, and keep it!

Many feature choices

The possibilities really are endless when it comes to the design of your brochure style website. Tabs can add lots of interest to the pages of your website, especially when you mix things up with your content types. Use text and images to your advantage to showcase your brand, feature multiple images of your products or service offering, and include both internal and external links to boost search engine optimisation (SEO). The sheer number of feature choices available means you can really get creative with your brochure style site. By utilising several content types, you can communicate vital information better than ever before, sharing the details your visitors need to become fully-fledged customers.

Complete colour & icon control

Show your creativity through your colour and icon choices. The colour palette and icons you use across your brochure style website should be a representation of your brand. They are after all your visual identity and have the power to make a great first impression every time a would-be customer visits. Colours also create emotional connections to excite, enthuse and even empower your audience. If you are a long-established brand, your colour and icon choices can ensure a cohesiveness that both new and existing customers can trust. With our brochure style websites, you have complete control over your colour scheme and icons, leaving you to find a combination that works for your brand and its audience.

As many tabs as you like

Unlike many brochure website designers and developers, we’re not stingy about how many pages you can have. You’ll be pleased to hear, we’re equally as generous with our tabs. In fact, you can have as many tabs as you like to communicate all the information you need to your customer base and guide visitors in exactly the right direction. Use your tabs to share details about a specific product’s unique selling points, the top features of a particular service, or your company’s history on any page in any location. We believe that an unlimited approach to tabs and pages not only leaves you with a website you want but an experience your customers need. The result? The ability to generate more leads and enquiries than ever before!

Fantastic image text block

With our brochure style websites, images and text can work together in harmony. Image text blocks are an outstanding design feature that’s popularly used across brochure websites, and can illustrate your products, services or ethos to perfection.

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Left or right, with or with out a button

You can really play around with layout and features when adding image text blocks to your brochure website. Align left or right, and add buttons to make blocks more interactive for browsers. It’ll give would-be customers even better user experiences!

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